Welcome to the
Duck Pond

Where you can catch all the latest news, updates, and discussions about Little Duckie, Mommy Wolf, and many other
Duckie-related items!

Thank you's all around!
"Little Duckie's Day" is doing extremely well in sales and popularity at WORD Bookstore in Jersey City, thanks to the generosity and support of their staff and customers. This is a great place to visit, browse and buy books for children and adults alike, as well as to check out some excellent cultural programs, author readings, and community events. Special thanks to Ashanti White-Wallace for her continued help and encouragement! And as always, thanks again to all the fans and supporters for your continued patronage!

Agent Search
DL Skandle is currently searching for an agent to help shop the upcoming sequel to "Little Duckie's Day" to a potential publisher. So far the new book's gotten a lot of positive feedack and helpful constructive criticism from some top-notch literary agents, but no takers. If anyone out there is interested in helping launch the world of Little Duckie and Mommy Wolf out to a larger, broader audience, by all means we welcome you to do so! Please contact DL Skandle at, and let us know if you're interested!


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